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Current Gallery: wanderlust-pinhole ( piece)
Snapshots dedicated to want to wander out of curiosity. According to recent findings scentifiche this desire should be reconnected to a gene in our DNA. The perennial desire to roam you can reconnect to a derivative genetic gene DRD4-7R and was renamed the " gene of Wanderlust " due to its correlation with great levels of curiosity and restlessness. It seems to be present in only 20% of the population and is more common in those regions in which the past and history have prompted people to migrate. It belongs to people who are " more prone to risk, to explore new places, foods, ideas, relationships, drugs or sexual opportunities ". Jim Noonan, a geneticist it is also a question of race; skill and dexterity, legs that allow us to travel long distances and a brain capable of processing imaginative processes " compose a unique set of features, suitable to stimulate exploration ". The search Garret Lo Porto, Huffington Post, claims that the gene DRD4-7R is caused by conduct which goes back to the times of the Neanderthals, which would make those who possess it completely " Out of control ", and leads him to wander. ...This must be the reason why I am seized by the uncontrollable desire to look around and seize the moment. Using a pinhole camera is one of the most exciting experiences in the field of photography. Certainly not worth the Lomography philosophy of " do not think, shoot ". The result you get is a blurred image and very charming. The sharpness, although not excellent, extends over the whole field of view. The depth of field is almost unlimited thanks to its very closed hole it has a diameter between 0.15 - 0.20 - 0.25 - 0.30 - 0.40 mm depending on the distance from the focal plane is equivalent to diaphragms extremely closed as f100 - f150 - f200 - f250 and so on. Consequently with a single diaphragm so closed exposure times tend to be long one seconds, minutes, hours, days, months .... The photo that is obtained it can be considered a " pure " because the light is not filtered through no lens. The image can be unpredictable if there are subjects that move like the sea, clouds or the human figure, the latter, in motion, can be like a ghost or disappear completely. You can get photographs of squares completely deserted despite the passage of people. Exposure times, which obviously are calculated before shooting, may vary during ongoing exposure due to a change of light had to be a very long time or a cloud that covers the sun suddenly. From this it is clear that it can be exciting to work with this kind of instrument.
"mar ligure"  (2020) by robertoferrero
  • mar ligure mar ligure
from $ 38

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